This project challenged us to reimagine the traditional bike rack and to place it in a space around campus. For my rack, I chose to place it in front Thompson library. Currently my space is crowded with small tables and chairs that are very hard to come by during warm weather and even then are incredibly uncomfortable and uninviting. Additionally, the bike racks in front of Thompson don't fit into the space or its surroundings. 
For this project, I wanted to bring the most notable aspects of Thompson outside and create a more playful and inviting space that encourages collaboration and conversation while also functioning as safe and reliable bike storage. 
I chose to put my rack right outside of Thompson's front door. There's a rectangular path of concrete thats about 35' x 20' on both sides of the entrance. Since this area is so big, I initially wanted to make more study and hang out spaces in addition to my bike rack, but time didn't permit this. Nevertheless, the bike rack alone would make a great addition to this space since currently it lacks a lot of creative and inviting spaces for students to get some work done. Additionally, I chose to only model one side, but my intention is that multiple book sculptures that double as seating could be places all around this space. 

Location of bike rack indicated by blue box.

When I began working on this project, I started by pulling out aspects of Thompsons social dynamics, architectural features, and other miscellaneous aspects of the space that I felt it was important to bring into my project.
The idea I ended up modeling is a simplified version of the drawing on the bottom right. I wanted my bike rack to resemble an open book, since they take up so much of Thompson's square-footage. I removed the glass structural element in my initial ideation and replaced them with clear acrylic benches for my desk component. I liked that this was a more subtle nod to the glass that surrounds the stacks in Thompson Library and allows for so much color to enter the space within the library.
Final Images
My final model is both a bike rack and a work space for small groups or individuals. I also added some vertical greenery within the folded page of the book, to bring some life to the model.
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